Retail Holiday Newsletter

2020 Holiday Shopping Outlook

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, this year’s holiday will look different than usual, but it’s still likely to bring some cheer.


2020 Holiday Shopping Outlook
Auf einen Blick

Share your journey to Bain.

My road was a bit longer than that of many of my colleagues. I worked in industry for 11 years, chose a master's program that was a good fit while I continued to work, and then joined Bain as a Lead Insights Data Scientist in 2022. My prior roles included experiences in operations research and marketing mix modeling, all of which have informed the work that I do today. 

How did you know that Bain was the right company for you?

I first learned about Bain as an undergraduate, but it wasn't the right opportunity for me at the time. However, many dear friends and classmates did join Bain during the intervening years; they consistently experienced exceptional personal and professional growth. When the opportunity arose to join the Advanced Analytics Group, I was compelled by the combination of high-impact strategic work and analytic leadership. The data science, machine learning, and AI landscapes are evolving so quickly that Bain provided a natural opportunity to advance the state of the art, and I deeply appreciate having that opportunity. 

“Build Your Own Bain” means creating a thriving career on your own terms. How have you been able to “Build Your Own Bain?”

Above all, Bain has encouraged and required me to sharpen my core data science capabilities. I continue refining them and acquiring new skills every day. I've also been fortunate enough to have some relatively unique entrepreneurial experiences here. I worked at two startups before joining Bain, and I'm consistently inspired by entrepreneurial opportunities. In 2023, I participated in the Global Hackathon with fellow Los Angeles Bainies. After the excitement of developing a concept, building a prototype, and winning, I was also fortunate enough to work on building that concept into a full-fledged business incubated by Bain's Founder's Studio. I'm thrilled by the avenues for technical leadership that the experience opened for me, and I've been honored to work with so many amazing peers and mentors in such a relatively short time. 

  • Notes

Future releases and topics

Look out for our upcoming issues:

  • Issue 2 (late October): Will Covid-19 Change Singles' Day?
  • Issue 3 (mid-November): Unpacking Amazon's holiday strategy
  • Issue 4 (mid-January): Post-holiday recap and resolutions for 2021

We look forward to sharing holiday headlines with you and hearing your feedback throughout the holiday season.

About our research partner

ROI Rocket is a leading provider of full-service research, fulfillment, and digital and direct marketing support to a broad client base of consultants, investors, publicly and privately held corporations, agencies, and market research firms. For details, visit or contact Noah Seton (


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