Bain & Company has included in this document information and analyses based on the sources referenced below as well as our own research and experience. Bain has not independently verified this information and makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, that such information is accurate or complete. Projected market and financial information, analyses and conclusions contained here are based (unless sourced otherwise) on the information described above, and Bain’s judgments should not be construed as definitive forecasts or guarantees of future performance or results. Neither Bain & Company nor any of its subsidiaries or their respective officers, directors, shareholders, employees or agents accept any responsibility or liability with respect to this document.
Bureau of Economic Analysis. “Personal Income and Outlays, August 2019.” News release, September 27, 2019.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Consumer Price Index—September 2019.” News release, October 10, 2019.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. “The Employment Situation—September 2019.” News release, October 4, 2019.
Chicago Board Options Exchange. “CBOE Volatility Index: VIX [VIXCLS].” Database, accessed October 11, 2019.
“Factbox: Next Rounds of Trump's Tariffs on Chinese Goods to Hit Consumers.” Reuters, August 31, 2019.
The Conference Board. “The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index Declined Nine Points in September.” Press release, September 24, 2019.
University of Michigan. “Surveys of Consumers: Final Results for September 2019.” Data release, October 11, 2019.
US Census Bureau. “Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services, August 2019.” News release, September 13, 2019.
US Census Bureau. “Quarterly Retail e-Commerce Sales 2nd Quarter 2019.” News release, August 19, 2019.