インフォグラフィック Insurers and Consumers in Covid-19 Markets: Too Many Missed Connections Insurers can do more to retain customers who are looking to switch providers. 著者:Camille Goossens, Henrik Naujoks, Andrew Schwedel, and Harshveer Singh 2021年4月14日 インフォグラフィック Insurers and Consumers in Covid-19 Markets: Too Many Missed Connections en Read more A Digital Reckoning for Insurance Companies With consumers relying more on online and mobile tools during the Covid-19 pandemic, can insurers deliver a better digital experience? 著者 Camille Goossens Partner, Paris Henrik Naujoks Partner, Hong Kong Andrew Schwedel Partner, New York Harshveer Singh Partner, Singapore First published in 4月 2021 Tags 金融サービス 保険