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Complexity Management
Complexity kills growth. Fight back with Complexity Management, a proven approach that boosts revenue 5%-40% and reduces costs 10%-35%. Even better, it improves customer satisfaction, inventory turns and margins.
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Complexity kills growth. Fight back with Complexity Management, a proven approach that boosts revenue 5%-40% and reduces costs 10%-35%. Even better, it improves customer satisfaction, inventory turns and margins.
Complexity is a natural consequence of success, and some complexity is desirable. A useful way to analyze the complexity in your company–and to separate complexity that’s beneficial from complexity that hurts the business–is to begin from a base of zero. We’ll work with you to determine your zero-complexity costs, and then assess the costs of adding complexity (in the form of, for example, product variety) back in. Our battle-tested approach to complexity management has enabled companies in many different industry sectors to capture maximum value using a repeatable model that keeps complexity out while improving profitability and customer centricity.
Focus your R&D expenses, manage products better, gain supply chain efficiencies, and more
Concentrate on key customers and increase your competitive differentiation
Bring more focus to product design and quality
Devote more attention to “hero SKUs” to increase sales
Completed projects across industries to help companies manage complexity
Revenue growth attributable to reduced complexity
Cost reductions attributable to reduced complexity