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Press release

Bain & Company lead discussions on the future of human capabilities development at HCI 2024

Bain & Company lead discussions on the future of human capabilities development at HCI 2024

Firms have been personalizing their products for their customers for many decades. It’s time for them to do the same for their own workers – and everyone will benefit

  • março 01, 2024
  • min read

Press release

Bain & Company lead discussions on the future of human capabilities development at HCI 2024

RIYADH — March 01, 2024 — Bain & Company, the leading global management consulting firm, played a pivotal role at the Human Capability Initiative (HCI) event, which was held on February 28-29, 2024, at the King Abdulaziz International Conference Center in Riyadh.

HCI, a global event and platform dedicated to advancing human capabilities, is an integral part of the Human Capability Development Program (HCDP), a visionary initiative under Saudi Vision 2030. The event attracted over 6000 global participants and featured more than 150 influential speakers from a diverse range of sectors, including governments, corporations, international organizations, NGOs, academia, and more.

As insight partner at HCI 2024, Bain & Company hosted a compelling panel discussion led by James Root, Senior Partner at Bain & Company, titled “The New Future of Work – Putting the Working Future into Action.” Root stated “We are starting to understand the great variety of motivations that individuals bring to work every day. Firms have been personalizing their products for their customers for many decades. It’s time for them to do the same for their own workers – and everyone will benefit.”

Bain & Company's participation as one of HCI's insight partners underscores the firm's commitment to driving positive change and shaping the future of work and human potential. Through their collaboration with HCI, Bain & Company seeks to reaffirm the importance of investing in human capital and developing sustainable solutions for the challenges ahead.

Sara Minelli, Partner at Bain & Company said “HCI serves as critical platform for fostering dialogue and collaboration on the future of human capabilities development. We are excited to be part of this initiative and contribute our insights to the discussions around preparing today’s generation for the challenges of tomorrow.” She also added “By working together, we can drive meaningful change and help build a more future-ready workforce.”

As the dynamics of work evolve at an unprecedented pace, the imperative for organizations to adapt and innovate in their approach to talent has never been more pressing. The transformative shifts in the relationship between workers and firms necessitate a reevaluation of leadership strategies to effectively navigate the complexities of the modern workplace. By embracing innovative approaches and actively engaging in global dialogues on human capabilities development, Saudi Arabia is not only positioning itself as a leader in shaping the future of work but also contributing valuable insights to the broader policymaking landscape.


Media Contact: 

For any questions or to arrange an interview, please contact April Zaw at April.Zaw@bain.com.

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