Founder's Mentality® Overview About About Founder's Mentality About Micro-battles Book Blog Founder's Mentality® Blog Blog Our latest insights on achieving sustainable, profitable growth in a world of faster change Micro-battles and the Journey to Scale Insurgency Discrete, fast-moving initiatives bring focus to strategic choices and help companies rediscover the art of getting stuff done. Bain Beliefs on Strategy Companies that outgrow and outearn their peers live by these five lessons. How Can Incumbents Stand Out? Offer an “Easy Button” Colt CEO Keri Gilder explains how tech companies can wow their customers by making things simple and how she approaches growth through M&A. Revitalizing Joy to Remain Relevant Aaron Powell, CEO of Pizza Hut, discusses how innovation is motivated by purpose and going back to the basics. Recruiting Like an Insurgent Microsoft Brazil General Manager Tania Cosentino reveals her winning strategy on maintaining a company’s appeal to future talent. Liderando com Energia em Tempos Turbulentos O CEO da Albertsons, Vivek Sankaran, compartilha suas principais lições ao liderar a empresa durante uma crise global e como essas experiências influenciam suas decisões e abordagens nos dias de hoje. Como Manter a Essência de Empresas Fundadas por Empreendedores Ruth Handcock, CEO da Octopus Money, fala sobre estratégias para adquirir e expandir empresas lideradas por fundadores, mantendo a integridade e o espírito inovador que as define. Mantendo o Espírito Empreendedor Enquanto Lidera Mudanças Kalyan Krishnamurthy, CEO da Flipkart, compartilha como líderes podem manter as raízes empreendedoras de suas empresas, mesmo em meio ao crescimento e à turbulência. Das Origens Lideradas por Fundadores para um Modelo de Negócio Descentralizado David Tudehope, CEO do Macquarie Technology Group, e Bart Vogel, diretor, explicam como transformaram o modelo de negócios da empresa com sucesso ao capacitar outras pessoas para assumir papéis de liderança, promovendo uma cultura de liderança descentralizada. How to Succeed in an Era of Volatility Invest in prediction, adaptability, and resilience. How to Reclaim the "Founder’s Mentality" to Spur Growth Most successful companies start out as fast-moving innovators, willing to disrupt their industries on behalf of the underserved customer, but too many lose these powerful foundations as they scale. Roadmap for a Post-Pandemic World Bain Partner James Allen shares how CEOs can sustain the speed and adaptability that their organizations uncovered during the crisis. The Engine 2 Imperative: New Business Innovation and Profitable Growth under Turbulence Amid new forms of competitive differentiation and shifting business boundaries, the potential to build innovative, next-generation businesses at scale has never been greater. Covid-19: Is Your Board Hitting the Brakes on CEO Succession? Crises slow the most critical leadership decisions. A New Social Contract: Talent in a Post-Covid-19 World Design an organization that supports and celebrates your most critical roles. A New Social Contract: Planning in a Post-Covid-19 World You have most of the answers you need from lockdown ways of working. The best CEOs already know what to do. A New Social Contract: Middle Management in a Post-Covid-19 World You don’t have a “middle” problem. You have a “muddle” problem. The Power-Up Sequence: Addressing the Organizational Costs of Covid-19 Lockdown To avoid a snapback to old ways of working, CEOs can start the journey toward a new social contract. Managing Trade-offs: Prediction, Adaptability and Resilience Here’s the CEO and board agenda for the long “dance” of recovery from the Covid-19 crisis. Serving Your Customers Flawlessly During the Long “Dance” CEOs are going on the offensive to build businesses for the new normal. See more